Sunday, May 15, 2011

Home Stretch

It's crunch time for high school students everywhere. There's finals, quarterlys, and etc coming up. Seniors especially have it the worst. They're excited because they're finally done and can't wait for the teachers they see everyday to become distant memories. It's what most people tend to call "senioritis." Am I experiencing it? Why yes I am, but this is probably the point in the year that requires my focus the most. It's so hard with track everyday, senior trip in two weeks, and both prom and states being on the same day. Keeping focus is nearly impossible, but that's the life of a high school student. I see it as good time management practice for college. God only knows that it's going to get so much harder from here. This is exactly why I say track is life. In track there are those days where you might have to do 3-4 events in one meet, but you've got to learn to take it one race at a time or else you'll do terribly. High school was a lot like my first event of the day. I did the long jump. Ironically it's a short event like, high school. You expect it to be forever, yet before you know it it's over. I expect college to be a lot like my 2nd event the 110m high hurdles. They scare most but those who overcome this fear are bound to overcome any trial and tribulation to come across in their life.  My 3rd event was the triple jump which symbolizes the period in time where I'm finding out who I am. I'm going to go through different phases like the triple jump until I become the man I was always meant to be. My last event of the day was always the high jump. After every height you can only go up from there. In life I only plan on moving forward and not back tracking.

1 comment:

  1. Your track analogy is so creative. You're right about the distractions and multi-tasking in college. If you think high school is rough, you ain't seen nothing yet!
