Coach McGuirl started telling me about these long and elaborate comments that he was writing on my blog. The whole time he's talking I'm thinking in my head,"This is great.! I have my sponsor and my mentor commenting frequently now," but I can tell by the way he was talking that there was going to be an unexpected ending to this story. Just so happened to be my luck that his computer's internet crashed while he was commenting on my blogs. This meeting was a lesson learned for Coach McGuirl that he should always type it up on word first so that if the internet crashes, you don't have to type it all over again.
This is what I've been waiting for since June 6, 2010. All my weight lifting, running, and training is finally going to be put to the test. I wonder if she'll be impressed. Though I haven't known this woman long, I'm feeling like she's, hands down, become the love of my life. Like any other couple we have those days where neither one of us feel like dealing with one another, but you got to fight through it because that's what you do for true love. She's not my first love, but I know this love will last forever. It's been so long since I've seen her. I can't believe it's only one week left until I see her again. Whenever I think about her, my heart beats faster than the speed of light. I'm not ashamed to say the thought of her gives me butterflies. Our relationships kind off weird because she chooses whenever we start back up again, but it's always on me to say when we end. I love track with all my heart, and I'll be counting down the days until I'm on that starting line.
For my clothing line to jump start, I'm going to need to know how to invest my money or "get more bang for my buck." What I originally designed or envisioned my t-shirts looking like would've cost me quite a penny to produce after talking it over with Mr. Colon, so I decided to keep the same design but tweak it to save myself some money. This is what I like to call "thinking business." To be able to comprehend the pricing of the t-shirts, you must understand the coloring process. Every color that's placed on a shirt must be laid one on top of the other. This means that for every tiny spot of a color you want on your shirt, it counts as one whole color for you to pay for no matter the size. This was going to be an issue because my design originally had small amounts of many colors which was going to equal many dollars. I redesigned the t-shirt to a cost efficient, superb quality having t-shirt. It should be released this coming May.
This video is from my trip to Philadelphia with my classmates: Larry Hill, Ron Thompson, and Kyle Thompson. We interviewed different people on what designers or brands really grab their attention, and what form of advertisement draws them in the most. We also took the time to enjoy the city itself which is portrayed at the end of the video. Hope you enjoy!
Yesterday Mr. Colon and I went to the library to discuss what the goal is for my project, or what it is that I would like to take away from this whole experience. Well, we came up with something that I think will be very productive for me. He asked me if I had ever seen the movie Inception before, and I haven't, but I knew the whole concept of the dream inside a dream theory that they were going for, yet I couldn't see how the movie was connected to my project. A project inside a project is what he said to me. Our goal is to come up with a marketing plan to attack high school track runners like myself. I'm in the perfect position to do this because it's track season, I'm in high school, and I run. I'm in the process of coming up with a catchy slogan for T-shirts like Nike's "just do it" campaign. It's all a working process right now, but I'm positive the outcome will be very satisfying.
Within our trip to Philadelphia, we met lots of different people, but there was one guy that really brought my knowledge of fashion to a new high. He proposed an idea about style that I have had never even thought of before. He was this short asian guy wearing one of many popular style hats called snapbacks. He really wasn't dressing the part to match his knowledge of fashion, but it was like I was talking to the "yoda" of the fashion world. The amount of words he spoke was little, but the knowledge I gained from it could of last a dozen lifetimes. The bright colors that the all young people are wearing now is to draw attention to themselves, but what they don't realize is that it's the subtle things that really grab the eye. He said something to us that we caught on film that was absoloutely breathe taking, but the four us decided that we will only be keeping it to ourselves. If Larry and I ever make it big, you bet your bottom dollar that you'll see it everywhere.
Coach Mcguirl and I talked about possible scenarios for what I could do if for some reason I couldn't meet up with my sponsor. I told him about an idea that a few of the guys in our class came up with. We would go over to Philly to conduct research for our project. It may sound just a tad strange that the four of us happened to go together, but it works out perfectly because we can intertwine all of projects in Philly where as not everyone else can do that. We'd take photos to prove that our research was tangable and take video for the use of our blogs or the project at the end of the year. It was the perfect plan.
Yesterday Larry, Ron, Kyle, and I went to Center City to conduct some research on the thesis's of our projects. On our way there, we had just a few ideas on what we would like to do to actually conduct this research. I wanted to interview people on the street and get their opinion on the best clothing brands/designers and what advertising draws them in best to actually become a buyer of these products. We met so many different kinds of people and learned so much. I took some things from this trip that I don't think I'll ever forget for as long as I live. We have pictures and video that we'll show in class.
Mr. Abrams had seen an article in the courier about a man named Curran J. Swint. He's a fashion stylist from Philadelphia who dresses very similar to me. After reading the article, it just made me realize that I'm not the only one in the world with this retro, vintage fashion style. He's exactly what I want to become. His apparel is more than just an alternative style of clothing. It's a style that not everyone understands. Most people won't get why he dresses the way he does or the why I do, so seeing him take this style mainstream is very unexpecting. Fashion is rapidly changing and it's time for people to get on board this plane before it takes off.
I’ve been brainstorming some ideas for my presentation at the end of the year, and my sponsor gave me a great idea. In the future, my classmate Larry Hill and I plan on starting our own clothing line called “Hartavalyon.” My idea is to make the first couple shirts of line by April and come up with a marketing plan to pitch the shirts to the school or to the audience. I’m also in the process of making my first backpack as well, so I can also show that at my presentation. It would most likely include a slide show with models wearing the clothes. I'm also thinking of a way to physically prove my thesis statement.
Mr. Colon picked me up from the school at about 1:30 and took me to meet one of his clients. His client owned a car garage and wanted to market his shop and get some publicity to get his name around. When we first arrived there, I already could tell what a couple of his marketing ideas were going to be based on how hard it was to even find the place. From that I knew he wanted to get his location out to people. That was pretty much all that he was sure of. He was talking to us but he wasn't really saying much. All he knew was that he wanted bright colors, effects, shirts, key chains, signs, etc, but when money was thrown into the conversation, all of that changed. This was a lesson learned for me. People never really know what they want and money changes everything unless they have no budget.
How can hurdles be seen as the story of my life? Last year was my first year ever running high school track, and also the first time I've ever ran the hurdles. When I first approached the hurdles, they seemed very large and very frightening, but when I just ran them without thinking about them, everything became a whole lot easier. When I first entered senior project, I thought everything was going to be difficult being that it's my senior year, and when everyone's relaxing at the end of the year, I'll be presenting my presentation to everyone. The hurdles became easier and so has senior project.
This week in my mentor meeting with coach Mcguirl, I introduced him to the world of blogger. I'm not sure if he has ever blogged before but I'm sure he's never seen a blog so extravagant as mine. I gave him my url so that he will now be able to comment on all of the exciting an adventurous blogs I shall be writing this semester. We've also started talking about possible project ideas for my 45min presentation at the end of the year.