Thinkin business.!
For my clothing line to jump start, I'm going to need to know how to invest my money or "get more bang for my buck." What I originally designed or envisioned my t-shirts looking like would've cost me quite a penny to produce after talking it over with Mr. Colon, so I decided to keep the same design but tweak it to save myself some money. This is what I like to call "thinking business." To be able to comprehend the pricing of the t-shirts, you must understand the coloring process. Every color that's placed on a shirt must be laid one on top of the other. This means that for every tiny spot of a color you want on your shirt, it counts as one whole color for you to pay for no matter the size. This was going to be an issue because my design originally had small amounts of many colors which was going to equal many dollars. I redesigned the t-shirt to a cost efficient, superb quality having t-shirt. It should be released this coming May.
Remember when we met my client and he wanted all these marketing things for his business until he started hearing prices? It seems like you were in the same boat with your t shirt wanted this amazing design for your t-shirt with 100 colors then you realized it would cost a lot of money and you had to redesign it to fit your budget as well as still maintain the flyness of the design.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to see the redesign!
You have to start somewhere. Sounds like you are picking up on how much work goes into the fashion world. Let me know when you are finished the design.