Monday, June 13, 2011
My Presentation.!
45 minutes of talking. Seems like a long time right? Surprisingly, it goes by pretty fast when time is the last thing on your mind. This whole week I've been thinking about what I'm going to do once I get up in front of all those people, and believe me it was a pretty hefty crowd. The only thing that came to mind was why not make this a learning experience for the crowd as well as myself? Almost like a live interview presentation. I would give some information and take in some information to further shape my own understanding of my project. I don't believe it, but it was a bigger success than I had envisioned. The crowd was very interactive and their attention was held by my presentation the entire time. What I really think that went well was my ability to improvise and make relevant usage of Mr. Abrams appearance juxtaposed with my own for a very well thought out example. Also, my usage of humor through out the project was a pretty good idea because it appealed to crowd. If I could change anything about my project, I'd have my questions prepared prior to the project. This would've made everything a whole lot easier. I'd also spend more time on my prezi. It could have came out a lot better, but other than that I feel it was a great way to end the year.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Home Stretch
It's crunch time for high school students everywhere. There's finals, quarterlys, and etc coming up. Seniors especially have it the worst. They're excited because they're finally done and can't wait for the teachers they see everyday to become distant memories. It's what most people tend to call "senioritis." Am I experiencing it? Why yes I am, but this is probably the point in the year that requires my focus the most. It's so hard with track everyday, senior trip in two weeks, and both prom and states being on the same day. Keeping focus is nearly impossible, but that's the life of a high school student. I see it as good time management practice for college. God only knows that it's going to get so much harder from here. This is exactly why I say track is life. In track there are those days where you might have to do 3-4 events in one meet, but you've got to learn to take it one race at a time or else you'll do terribly. High school was a lot like my first event of the day. I did the long jump. Ironically it's a short event like, high school. You expect it to be forever, yet before you know it it's over. I expect college to be a lot like my 2nd event the 110m high hurdles. They scare most but those who overcome this fear are bound to overcome any trial and tribulation to come across in their life. My 3rd event was the triple jump which symbolizes the period in time where I'm finding out who I am. I'm going to go through different phases like the triple jump until I become the man I was always meant to be. My last event of the day was always the high jump. After every height you can only go up from there. In life I only plan on moving forward and not back tracking.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What's the point of detention. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've been written up in my life. Some people are in detention like it's a religion. For someone like me, detention makes want to never be late to school because its so annoying, but to others it must feel like some kind of hang out spot. Have you ever really broke down the reasoning for detention, or wondered if it actually has any meaning or affect to students? I think about the same thing every time I have a detention once in a blue moon. What is this actually doing for me? Maybe when I was younger, my attention span was so short that I squirmed and twirled in my seat so much that I never wanted to do anything bad ever again. Now I feel like it's truly pointless. All I do is sit here for here for 45 minutes and then I'm told I can go home. What's the point of that? It doesn't refine me in any kind of way, and it most definitely isn't going to turn a so called "bad" kid into a good one. They really should come up with an alternative to detention. I'm not saying just let kids do what ever they want, but I am saying they should at least be getting something out of it. I remember my first real detention in middle school. I went to Winslow Middle School and there had to be at least 700 kids there. There were so many kids that we had to get out of school at 1:30 just so there wasn't a traffic jam when the high school let out. My detention was for 2 hours all because of a friend of mine and his girl friend and I some how got involved. They made up us copy down the Declaration of Independence the entire time we were there, and if you didn't write enough, you had to come back the next day and do it all over again. That was by far over the top, but it was something different. After this year I probably won't hear the word detention again until I have kids of my own, so I do hope they come up with something new instead of these medieval forms of torture.
Spring break!
What did I do for spring break? Well, Larry and I had gone on a college visit to Alvernia University in PA. We stayed from Sunday night until Monday evening. Our guide was this short guy who ran track that was no taller than Larry. He gave us a tour of the school and answered pretty much every question we had about college. It was a great experience. I met my future track teammates minus our freshman class, and sat in two college classes. We went to a marketing class and an English class. The marketing class we sat in is actually a required course I'll have to take when I get there so it was quite exciting for me as well as educational. They were talking about information that I was already familiar with. The English class put into perspective the amount of reading that a college student assigned which is a lot! Students there gave us a lot tips on how to stay on top of the work assigned. The main tip was knowing how to manage my time. In college you have a lot of free time and the key is to know what to do with that free time.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Body inked up

In the Books.!
Saturday was the Bridgeton Relays. They happened to be getting a new stadium built so it was held at Buena High School. We didn't go to the Bridgeton Relays last year so I really didn't know what to expect. It was my first all boys meet, so the competition was at its peak. When we first arrived there, I felt like it was going to be a great day. I can't really explain why but it just felt really good for some reason. I did three events that day. I did the high jump, shuttle hurdles, and the the sprint medley. My first event of the day was the high jump which was really odd because it's usually the last one. I jumped 5"10' and my partner Donald Houston jumped 6"0' for a combined height of 11"10'. We tied for first against this russian kid who I swear had iron legs. This wasn't even the highlight of my day. Next I ran the shuttle hurdles with my teammates Tyrone and Tre McCloud, and Indeo Ragsdale. When we got to the starting line, my heart was pumping faster than ever. It was like I was on the front line in the middle of the Civil War. I was scared to death. Indeo started the race. I couldn't really tell if we were in first or not until Tre came back as the second leg. We were in first as Tre came down the 100m stretch. He got over that last hurlde and yelled go! I shot out to the first hurdle like a million dollars was waiting for me at the finish. The whole time I was running I just kept repeating the word dive in my head as I went over every hurdle. I never ran that fast before. I was smooth like slicing butter. We came in first of course, but I had a feeling we ran extremely good for some reason that day. It just so happens that we shattered a 21 year meet record that was set in 1990, and now are names are in the books until someone can attempt to beat us. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Technical Difficulties(mentor meeting)


Thinkin business.!

Friday, March 25, 2011
The city of brotherly lovee.
This video is from my trip to Philadelphia with my classmates: Larry Hill, Ron Thompson, and Kyle Thompson. We interviewed different people on what designers or brands really grab their attention, and what form of advertisement draws them in the most. We also took the time to enjoy the city itself which is portrayed at the end of the video. Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sponsor trip 5(Inception)

Friday, March 18, 2011
The greatest ah ha moment ever.!
Within our trip to Philadelphia, we met lots of different people, but there was one guy that really brought my knowledge of fashion to a new high. He proposed an idea about style that I have had never even thought of before. He was this short asian guy wearing one of many popular style hats called snapbacks. He really wasn't dressing the part to match his knowledge of fashion, but it was like I was talking to the "yoda" of the fashion world. The amount of words he spoke was little, but the knowledge I gained from it could of last a dozen lifetimes. The bright colors that the all young people are wearing now is to draw attention to themselves, but what they don't realize is that it's the subtle things that really grab the eye. He said something to us that we caught on film that was absoloutely breathe taking, but the four us decided that we will only be keeping it to ourselves. If Larry and I ever make it big, you bet your bottom dollar that you'll see it everywhere.
Mentor meeting
Coach Mcguirl and I talked about possible scenarios for what I could do if for some reason I couldn't meet up with my sponsor. I told him about an idea that a few of the guys in our class came up with. We would go over to Philly to conduct research for our project. It may sound just a tad strange that the four of us happened to go together, but it works out perfectly because we can intertwine all of projects in Philly where as not everyone else can do that. We'd take photos to prove that our research was tangable and take video for the use of our blogs or the project at the end of the year. It was the perfect plan.
Sponsor Trip Alternative.

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Im not alone out there|FashionNerd
Mr. Abrams had seen an article in the courier about a man named Curran J. Swint. He's a fashion stylist from Philadelphia who dresses very similar to me. After reading the article, it just made me realize that I'm not the only one in the world with this retro, vintage fashion style. He's exactly what I want to become. His apparel is more than just an alternative style of clothing. It's a style that not everyone understands. Most people won't get why he dresses the way he does or the why I do, so seeing him take this style mainstream is very unexpecting. Fashion is rapidly changing and it's time for people to get on board this plane before it takes off.
Friday, March 11, 2011

Whatever you want.(sponsor visit #4)

Friday, March 4, 2011
Hurdles are The Story of My life
Teaching an Old dog a new trick
This week in my mentor meeting with coach Mcguirl, I introduced him to the world of blogger. I'm not sure if he has ever blogged before but I'm sure he's never seen a blog so extravagant as mine. I gave him my url so that he will now be able to comment on all of the exciting an adventurous blogs I shall be writing this semester. We've also started talking about possible project ideas for my 45min presentation at the end of the year.
Friday, February 18, 2011
I'm runnin this show..

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Field Trip #1

The Colour of L♥vê
What's the point of Valentine's Day? Everyone seems to think it's the day where two people take the time out of each other's day to show one another just how much they actually care for them, and makeup for all the wrong they've done. Love is supposedly in the air, and everyone is all googly eyes over one another, but I see Valentine's Day from a business man's perspective. It's nothing more than one of the most marketable holidays of the year. Every one's running around trying buy to the generic cards and candy for that special someone. All clothing departments are selling red like crazy and people subconsciously are attracted just because it's Valentine's Day.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
-1 and a 1/2Men

- Pack Rat
n fashion class I'm making my first backpack! The complexity of the bag isn't as outrageous as the image I've provided, but the quality is going to be up to par. While designing my bag, I figured it would be a perfect "Ah-hah!" moment. Well, I plan on starting my own clothing line with my best friend Larry, and I figured this bag could be the perfect opportunity for us to market our clothing line. My plan is to have it done before we go on our senior trip. That way I can sport it around. I'd also take some photos for my blog, our future website to come, and would be marketing my own product at the same time. The photos will be of me in different poses with the bag that just make it look so much better like putting jewels on aluminum foil. This was my "Ah-hah!" moment for the week.
Dress to Impress
How can people market themselves? For example, if two people are going out for the same position in a professional field, how are they chosen? Believe it or not, a persons apparel can give them an upper hand in the job world. People may say that they don't judge anyone by what they wear, but that's a bold faced lie. We're always judging people even when we try not to. I'm starting to think that it's human nature. How else can we get an idea what kind of person you are if it's our first time meeting. In some situations it's not always fair, but what is in this life. Like Mr. Abrams always says, "fake it til you make it."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Be careful what you ask for.
This article has taught me that a career in the world of fashion should be about more than just money and clothes. The fashion designer talked about in the article is living the dream that I wish to achieve, but she wasn't happy with it. She wanted more out of life. She wanted her clothes to do more than just look good on people, but to make people feel good about themselves and that's exactly what she accomplished. This makes me wonder will I want something more if I make it, and if so what?
My future has just been reshaped after reading this article. Living a lavish lifestyle is fine and all, but will I be happy? Not unless I'm helping people and the world around me along the way. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I'm inspired to want more out of life and grab it by the horns. Maybe I'll create top of the line clothing for low cost like H&M. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see once I get to that point in my life.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Manikin in the making
I took a picture of myself because in the world of fashion marketing, making the product attractive is all that matters. Having the right apparel is one thing, but knowing how to wear the items so that people want buy it is the icing on the cake. Have you ever asked yourself why the manikins in retail stores tend to draw you in to the clothing more so than if you were to just see the clothes hanging up? Its pyschology. The manikins are placed into positions that the buyers are able to visualize themselves wearing the apparel which in turn draws them into the store.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What is Fashion Marketing?
Marketing isn't what the hype has led everyone to believe. Marketing isn't fashion shows, public relations, hollywood stylist, or a website. Although these things may be used in the field of marketing, on their lonesome they aren't considered marketing. Marketing is the way your target customer wants to be reached, so it has nothing to do with you, and is all about the customer.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Inspiration is all around us.
While walking through the Cherry Hill Mall with Larry and my cousin, a woman came up to me and asked if I was interested in modeling. At first I told her I wasn't interested and just walked away, but the more I thought about it, the more it started to look very beneficial to my future if I had modeling experience. Eventually I want my own line of clothing something and run my own business, so with this experience under my belt, I could model my own clothing and save money in the future by hiring one. Once this idea struck me I turned around an asked if the offer was still open. She took down my info and said that they'll be calling to evaluate me in a couple weeks to see if I have what it takes to become a model. I'm still a little discouraged in trying the whole thing out. I usually don't see too many black models, so I did some research and found that I'm not the only one who finds this statement true. I read an article in the NY Times,, that said the issue is that agencies are simply not taking the time out to find and develop young models since Europe's are developing much faster.
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